Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Twenty Years Down To One Week

Hey everyone!

So I guess I'll start this off by saying my name's Kelsey! But, if you didn't know that already you probably wouldn't be reading this. I've never blogged before, but I've decided it would be a good idea to enable everyone to keep up with my life and the things that are about to go on. I'm just assuming that every blog like this usually comes with an explantion post, telling everyone why it exists and blah blah blah. So here goes...

I'm moving to Colorado... in a week.

'WHAT?!' Might be some of your reactions, others already know this bit of information. 'Why on earth would she move a thousand miles away from her home?!' may be the next step in your processing of this information.
Well folks, this is why:

'A boy? Seriously?' is a typical response. You're either for the idea immediately, or you're on the fence about to hop on the 'this girl is crazy train.' Don't worry, if you're already on that train, my feelings won't be hurt and it's okay! I don't expect everyone to understand because I know not everyone does. I can only try to help the doubters as I go along, ease the worrying minds, and hope that if you don't agree with me, you'll still support me. Yes, I'm moving to Colorado essentially for a relationship and a guy. But he's not just any guy. 'Oh my gosh, is she really about to do this?' Yes, I am. He's amazing. Anyone who knows Tony will agree with me and knows how great of a person he is. Ever since meeting him, he's opened up my eyes to a lot about life whether he meant to or not. He moved back to his home of Colorado on July 21, 2011. We started dating two weeks later on August 3, with a thousand miles between us. I think people seriously doubted why we even bothered, but to us there was something there that we couldn't just let go. We had to try. We had no clue where it would take us at the time and that we had already embarked on a pretty epic fairytale. Almost 150 days (5 months of dating today!) later of a long distance relationship, I'm ending it. The long distance part, that is.
I'm young and able, so why not? Yeah, I know there's the issue of school and my future and all that grown up stuff. But I'm not ready to know exactly where my life is taking me and every single detail yet. I shouldn't have to be. Life is about learning, growing, and LIVING. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. In exactly a week, my journey to a new chapter of my life begins and together with my boyfriend, we're going to figure it all out. It's bound to be an exciting story, and I genuinely hope that you all send me your best wishes as I keep you guys posted on my adventure! And to everyone who has supported us from the beginning, I can't thank you enough.

Much love!

"Once in awhile, right in the middle of an
ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale."