Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh yeah, I made it!

So here I am, almost two weeks after arriving in Colorado... and I haven't blogged about it yet. Oops. It's been quite a time of emotions, nerves, and of course... awesomeness. The first week(s) of something new is always (usually) filled with things to talk about, and I think mine has been. If it's not interesting to you, well, you probably won't read this anymore will ya?
Time to catch up. Here we go!

The road trip.
Total time in car: 23 hours.
My mom and I took off two Tuesday's ago and headed for Colorado! Well, kind of. We headed for Kansas since there was no way we were getting to Colorado in one day. The start of the trip was pretty good. We went into state after state and over lots of cool bridges. We'd driven up and down to our family in Virginia plenty of times which is about an 8 hour drive each way. So I thought when we split the trip up into 2 days it would be no big deal. Well, by hour 10 of the first day I was done. Too bad we kept driving for 3 more hours. That's right, 13 hours in a car straight, and when I say 'we' kept driving, I really mean me. I drove the WHOLE way. I know I know, I'm awesome. Or dumb. Whatever...
We finally stopped in Topeka, Kansas at a super sketchy Motel 6 that I wasn't too pleased with. But it was a bed and the items in my car stayed right where I left them all night. We woke up, found a cracker barrel, and filled our tanks... er, bellies. Then it was time for day 2... Kansas...
Holy JEEZ folks,  I can't even describe to you how boring Kansas is! No offense to anyone who loves Kansas or something. It was pretty, at times. But mostly just hours and hours of fields and FLAT.

Like I said, flat.
At one point I needed gas and was forced to pull off an exit that had no Shell stations or BPs... just a little sign with a gas pump symbol. Well, after driving here and there we pull up to this ity bity tiny little store with a gas pump that was so foreign to me that I had no clue what to do with it...
I had seriously never seen a pump like this and stood there for a good few minutes trying to figure out how to make the gas come out. Thankfully the people at the store were really nice country folks and helped us out.

So, anyways. We finally made it to Colorado (see the first picture) and drove into some snow! It was kinda scary in the dark and I was just beyond ready to be at the final destination. Which of course we made it to :) Seeing Tony's face in person and hugging him made me remember how worth it that trip really was. We had finally made it to a normal relationship. No more distance. I think we're still kind of amazed that we're finally together and I don't actually have to leave tomorrow or the next day.

Here are some highlights of the things we've been up to in the past week or so!

First dinner we cooked together... and it was good!

Tony's first drink on his 21st birthday! :)

SNOW! It was so beautiful. And it was everywhere! It was my first experience with real snow (not the snow we get in Tennessee that melts before you wake up) and it's kind of embarrassing how excited I was about it...

Well, I apologize for those of you who are actually interested in my life (if there are any) for not posting for awhile. I made it, and my new journey has officially started. I'm going to try to get better at this now that I'm a little more settled! In fact, I'm going to post another one tonight! Yep, two in one day. The next post will be the first in a series of 12. But, I'll explain more later.

Stay tuned,
Kelsey :)

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