Saturday, April 21, 2012

100 days later

Is this real?!

Yesterday marked my 100th day of living in Colorado! Time sure does fly!

Along with my 100th day, it's almost been exactly three months since my last post. And I know what ya'll are thinking.. I'm a terrible blogger, and I have completely failed at my whole reason for having this thing. BUT, I feel a new leaf being turned over and am determined to keep the posts rolling for those of you who actually care. I'm not sure why I haven't updated in so long... perhaps it's because I forget when I actually have time, or maybe subconsciously I haven't allowed myself because quite frankly it's been an emotional roller coaster at times, lol, and no one wants to read depressing crap! Which brings me to what this post is going to be about. Well, I guess the next two posts. Today I'm going to tackle the task of updating everyone on what's been happening during the past 3 months (man.. that's a long time!). I want to talk about my home sickness and the emotions that I've felt since being here, but I think I'll leave that for tomorrow. So, stay tuned!

As for today...
The last time I posted was just two weeks after arriving in Colorado. I left off with the promise of a next day post (like I just did...) but clearly I didn't follow through with that. Tony and I had this big idea that we would travel to all the places pictured in our calendar in the month they were featured. Well, turns out the majority of them are in Rocky Mountain National Park and it costs 20 bucks every time to get in... we decided to abandon that plan. But we did take on January's calendar picture adventure!

And in doing so, we almost died...
(my 'we almost died' face)

Because these were the conditions...
(yeah, that's A ROAD)

AND it was the coldest I have EVER been.
(left hand was in my jacket pocket, other hand.. the wind)

But all in all, it was a great adventure :)

We've adventured several more times since then and always have an amazing time doing so. I think adventuring is a huge part of what makes me and tony, 'me and tony.' We've been doing it since before we were 'us' and I absolutely love getting these opportunities with him!

Here are some highlights of some other adventures!:



In case you didn't figure it out, each column of pictures represents a different adventure and the first picture is where we were! We even made it up Cheyenne, Wyoming one day for a random trip. Like I said, adventuring is our thing. When we can just take off for a day without any plans, I feel like everything is right in the world and things are as they should be. They're my favorite days.

Moving along.. so after a week or so of just being here and kind of getting settled, I began to put out my resume to various banks in the area. I was done with the food industy and REALLY hoped that I could be taken in as a teller somewhere. Thankfully, sometime in February I interviewed at three different banks and got hired by one!
Yep, Bank of the West in a little bity town called Lyons wanted me as their part time teller! It's an awesome little town that I'm learning to appreciate more and more as the days go by. Everyone knows everything about everybody there and it's kind of cool to get to know everyone myself! As far as tellering goes, I'm getting used to the systems and rules and all that good stuff too. I can see myself doing this for awhile!

While all this new stuff was happening for me, Tony was going through a couple different jobs due to company closings and trying to find the right one. He just started today at this company in Brighton called BASF. He has to get up at 3:40 AM to make it there by 5. Yeah... crazy early. So because of that, we're going to begin our search for a place we can call our own somewhere near Brighton. It'll be very exciting!! Right now we're living with his step mom, brother, and nephew. It's been really nice so far and we're lucky to be able to live here while we figure things out! And as we figure 'things' out, I promise to keep everyone updated :)

Well, it's getting late for the East Coast and Tony right now since he's been up since before the crack of dawn so I'm going to wrap this up and prepare for one of my favorite times of the day! Couch time with my man :) although I doubt it'll last very long seeing as he's already 'resting' (sleeping) right next to me. I'll be back for a post tomorrow!

Love and miss you guys, always!